Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Its taken a little longer than expected.....

Hahahahahahaha, its taken a little longer than expected by my sis is realising that being a parent aint easy.

Slowly she is realising that we weren't being awkward (wanting to go home early for his bedtime, worrying about what he is eating, who's looking after him, what he's doing?)

I remember family / friends used to piss me right off when my son was born,

"oh its still early, go home later"
"oh don't worry about food, they'll be food there for him to eat!
"oh surely he'll go to sleep in the car on our way there"
"he not drinking milk anymore?"
"he doesn't eat your food anymore does he?"
"theres nothing of you in him is there?"
"don't worry about him"
"if he doesn't eat don't worry!"

There are loads more but hopefully now that my sis has a devil of her own she'll appreciate what a pain in the arse she and the rest of the familia were at times.

Onto my parents.
My parents you must understand have no concept of healthy eating. Their idea of a healthy meal is a burger, roti and two fish fingers, which is what they have been feeding my son on for the past year.
I have come to the conclusion that no matter what i say or do, whilst me and the wife are at work, they will give my little un and sis's kid too whatever they please which includes a variety of goodies, the current list stands at:

apple pie (tesco smart price)
fruit drink
easter egss they were given ages ago
ferrera rocher
ice cream

And yes sis, they stuff apple pies down both our kids throat, in fact i brought my son to my mum and dads house one day and said

"mum, dad, he hasn't had any breakfast, can you give him something?"
"yes of course, what you think we wont feed him"
"ok, ok, dad, chill out" and with that i left.

Now usually that's that and i make my way to work but............... this time i had forgotten my wallet so i take a u turn and make my way back to my mums house to collect my wallet.

I park the car, open the front door..
I open the living room door and what do i see???

My son sitting on the sofa with a plate on his legs in front of the TV watching cbeebies with 2 apple pies in his plate and half a pie hanging out of his mouth!

"Ummmmmmmmmmm, son who gave you that?"
"dahda and dahde"
"you had any toast?"
"toast rubbish, apple pieeeeeeeeeee!"
"oh ok, and where are they?"
"gone garden"
"can i take these off you for a min and give you something else like toast?"
"ok Abu"

Now once in a while giving them a little treat is ok but my parents seem to be doing this more and more often.
My son actually has his own stash of smarties he brings home, and even more funnier is that he tells me.

"dahda give me all time"
"oh really? what else?"
"chocolates, smarties, apple pies, ICE CREAAAMMMM"
"what for a treat?"
"All time"

Its a losing battle that i feel will only end in tears!


Xzsara said...

Oi... I would point out that I was never and am not a pain in the arse ... I've told you when I think you're talking shit but otherwise I have been fully supportive of you and your devil!!

Might I remind you who came and put up Mujnu's cot when he was a couple of weeks old and who after a two hour crying session took him off your hands and stopped him crying and who recently offered to look after him while you took the car for an MOT!

The cheek!

Xzsara said...

Just wanted to add ... Mum has an obsession with apple pies ... I remember in primary school, when they first brought in packed lunches, I was the only kid whose parents took up the opportunity to save dosh on the school dinners. My packed lunch consisted of a lumps of butter and jam sandwich and an apple pie as desert .. and not those nice little kipling number ... a monster 6 inch version!!

Deemi said...

you can still be a pain in the arse little mrs know it all!